We help Archives, Geospatial data creator managers and solution providers implement best digital geospatial preservation practices.
Learn more about geospatial data and how to preserve them.
We help archives implement eArchiving specifications, tools and workflows for preserving geospatial records.
As geospatial experts, we help your archivists in the appraisal process. You will learn how to ask your producers the right questions to get the data and documentation you need.
Producers and Managers of Geospatial data
Learn more about the specifics of geospatial record preservation
We help you implement preservation steps in your geospatial records data life cycle
Get our support with implementing eArchiving specifications, tools and workflows for preserving geospatial records.
We help your geospatial team support the appraisal process. You will learn how to prepare your data for preservation and what documentation you need.
Make your Geospatial data management system support the preservation process.
Solution providers
We help you implement best geospatial preservation practices in your digital preservation solutions.
Upgrade your solution to support geospatial records using the latest EU eArchiving specifications
Understand and implement the geospatial records preservation needs of your customers.
We help you make your solutions ready for geospatial records preservation
How we do it?
Beginner and advanced Workshops on Geospatial data preservation for your archivists and other stakeholders in the preservation process.
Provide guidelines for preservation of geospatial records according to your specific legal requirements.
Analyse and optimize your preservation workflows to support preservation of geospatial records.
Consult on digital preservation strategies for geospatial records.