Development of Slovenian digital Archive for Geospatial records
Figure 2 – Solution for accessing geospatial records in the Archival reading room
Figure 3 – Ingest validation workflow for geospatial records
E-ARK Project (2015-2017)
The cooperation on the E-ARK project with the Slovenian National Archives and the E-ARK Consortium set the ground stones for the eArchiving building block solution. Geoarh gained experiences by providing the following results:
Development of a specification for preservation of Geospatial records
Designing the pre-Ingest process for accession of geospatial records. The content included a detailed checklist, interview questionnaire and
Geospatial records preservation Pilot (it included the preingest process of gathering records in proper formats, accompanying documentation and metadata, the Ingest process using opensource tools and access in the archival reading room.
Design of an interactive web application for querying the archived dataset
Development of Slovenian digital Archive for Geospatial records
In a period of two years, (2017 – 2018) we cooperated in the development of the Digital Archive solution in the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia. The results included:
Design of requirements for a Submission Information Package software tender, that supports Geospatial records
Analysis and optimization of access and dissemination workflows for the future digital solution
Documentation of workflows specific for Ingest, Management, Validation and dissemination of geospatial records in the Archive reading room
Implementation of tools for manual validation, conversion and management of geospatial records in the entire archival process.
Figure 2 – Solution for accessing geospatial records in the Archival reading room
Figure 3 – Ingest validation workflow for geospatial records
[2018- 2021] eArchiving Specifications for preservation of geospatial records
To ensure, that geospatial records can be preserved in an interoperable way across EU member states, Geoarh led the development of the Common Information Technical Specification and guidelines for packaging geospatial records and preserving GIS systems.
The specifications were developed for EU Commission under the Common European Framework Building Block – eArchiving in cooperation with the E-ARK Consortium.
The specifications are being implemented in various European Archives, like the Danish National Archive, where they will be used to ensure fast and easy reuse of geospatial records in the future across EU. This way we can reuse data of the past to support decisions for the future.
World Bank – Hellenic Cadastre Consultancy
In years, 2019 and 2020, Geoarh consulted the Hellenic (Greek) Cadaster as a consultant of the World Bank, on best practices for digitization and preservation of deed book records by:
kshop on best practices on preservation of digitized Cadastral records
Consulted on tender requirements for future preservation system of digitized cadastral records.
Development of Slovenian digital Archive for Geospatial records